Here at Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Birmingham we are sending out a call to all potential volunteers and supporters; especially Male, and asking you to Join Our Team! Coaches across the state of Alabama came together with students in our program and staff to create a promotional video in support of the Big Brothers Big Sisters mission—to create and support one-to-one mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth.
“I can promise you this, your life will be forever changed” said Sue Johnson, CEO, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Birmingham.
With sixty-two little brothers still on our waiting list, we are sending out a call and seeking 60 male volunteers in 60 days! 70% of our waiting little’s are male, and in need of a positive role model, supporter, and friend, Here are BBBS, we don’t create potential, we defend it; and we’re hoping you’ll join us and become a Defender of Potential!
Together, we fight to keep kids connected with the hope that they never feel they have to fight life’s challenges alone.